Friday, May 8, 2015

For my Daughter on Mother's Day

My Dear Brianna we have had an interesting adventure together over the passed 23 and a half years. I have seen you through one near death experience, 7 surgeries, a broken heart, celebrations, laughter, loves, and sorrows. In a way we grew up together you and I. You taught me that love can be so deep and precious. It is my prayer that I've taught you the same.

Now as Mother's Day approaches and that tiny little baby inside you is growing I am in awe of you. I watch you as you rub your tummy like I rubbed mine when I was pregnant with you. I listen to you tell of your morning sickness, aches, and joys as you carry your child. Memories flood my mind as I see you now starting your family.

You bless me everyday just by being on earth and being you. Now, you are going to have the opportunity to love and be blessed with your own child. Mother's Day will have new meaning for you. A time when you can look back on your own joys and sorrows with your own precious child.

I love you my sweet girl. Thank you for making me a mom. Thank you for your unconditional love and your beautiful smile.

Love Mom

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